Tuesday 3 August 2010

Wooden Floor Day 2

I had to go to work today, so left the keys with Paul so he could get on with the floor. When I got home from work I had no idea how far he was going to have got. So it was a nice to be able to come home and have no idea what I was going to find. It made for a nice a surprise. Sort of like when you get a box of records and there's always a chance that what's in there might be even cooler than you were expecting.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised. The front room was pretty much done, as was the smaller bedroom and most of the hallway. I was very happy with the result and it made me confident that I am going to be happy with it's all finished & I can move my stuff in. Here's a few pics:


Small bedroom:

Hallway again. Notice the continuity into the rooms, i.e. no joins around the doorway:

Living room:

The final bits of floor should be laid tomorrow. The rest of the week will then involve tidying up the skirting boards and me then having to move my stuff in!

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